Well, I have been pondering as to what to write/type about next and now while I sit and watch Miss Potter on a Saturday night a number of possible ideas have come tumbling through, of which I must take note of so as not to forget and when I have spare time I can type them up. Some teasers are: James Bond - books & movies, books I've read and want to read, scrapbooking, needlework and many more!!!!
This is pretty much I want to get at some point to put away for future children |
As for now, I thought I might share what I've been up to an thinking about. Today I attended the Baby Shower of my dear friend Theresa, who is due to have her first baby at the end of next month. I am so thrilled for her, she will be an awesome Mum. She has had such the draw to be a mum and In know she'll thoroughly enjoy every moment. I think of what she has to look forward and I get sooooo excited for her!!!! It was Theresa who gave me the idea of buying some children's stuff and putting it away, one of the things I must get is the entire box set collection of Beatrix Potter books, the 1-23 in the little size.
Another set of books I'v decided to collect is The Wonderful World of Disney, being brought out my the major newspapers around NZ. The Herald brought them out last year and I was disappointed I didn't get past the 1st book, which was free, as The Herald was only available at the Night n' Day dairies which I couldn't get to on a Sat with working all day. Now I can get them with The Press, from Whitcoulls or Pak n' Save while working on a Saturday (before starting work or on my morning tea break).
List of the books. Just got Book #7 this weekend! |
1st 1 |
I'm really looking forward to having this entire collection. In the Human Body book it has the 'where babies come from' section, so when the child(ren) ask, we'll just let them read that page lol!
As for what else is going on, life really, moving along, with husband, work, and housework (which I don't mind doing with some good music playing away.
Lydia & I at My Wedding 11.1.11 |
I said good bye to a dear friend today, Lydia, who is about to leave her home of 7 years here in Christchurch to start her new life in Brisbane. She heads to Auckland tomorrow to see and say good bye to her family. I wish her all the best in her new adventure. I know she's found it hard to say goodbye to all her friends here, but as I said to her today it's not good bye but "See You Later" as we will meet again and God knows where, and we'll find out in due course.
And Again, Both photos taken at Woodbury Church |
Things to look forward to: the rest of the weekend will consist of maybe a touch of baking, if cookies - closely watched while baking so as not to over do, I'm bored with the way the spare room looks, so that will likely be moved around a little, going through our birthday and Christmas cards to sort them and out in order.
This week: I shall turn 26 this coming Wednesday, my brother and his girlfriend will be staying with us over next weekend and then the following week our brother-in-law will be staying for a couple of nights.