There are so many things that I want to do and I get slightly frustrated because I can never seem to get these things done. These things not being the usual housework things, that of course seems to always get done.
I want to catch up on my scrap books, the last one I did being our wedding one. I need to do:
- Mini-Honeymoon in Akaroa
- India Trip
- Singapore Honeymoon
- Our First Anniversary in Akaroa
- Our Second Anniversary in Maruia Springs
- Cross-stitch one
- Bits & Pieces of our life the last few years.
So many to do but although I have every intention to sit down and do them I never actually do. I plan to do it for a weekend but never actually get a the gear out. The last time I did was in March and I managed to organise the bits & pieces into their little sections. As for India & Singapore I organise that all into order like last April. See what I mean I might get one step done but never move on the next step of actually starting it. Anyone else have this problem???
Plus there's the other things too that I want to do like:
- actually read through my law text books (sounds dry and boring I know but I really want to do this
- really learn how to use our camera, I mean I didn't buy the book just for Simon to read and learn from - I want to learn more too. PS I know how to use it and to take a god picture but I want to take a GREAT shot.
- I want to bake more - my friend's blog
Major Cake Kitchen Affair has inspired me to bake more
- I would like to learn to quilt - to be able make something for children's cots (and given children are still a way off I have time to perfect it)
- I'd like to cook more meals - I've collected numerous recipes over the years, which I've tried to odd one now and then but there's never time to to put the effort in
- Plus read through my psychology textbooks too, to have a better understanding of various aspects of human life.
So as you can see there is plenty I wish/want to do. The thing is knuckling down and trying to get this things done. I really really really wanna try and get these done. Not sure when this will be.