Friday, 15 November 2013

"Fireworks, Fun & Walking..."

1. New Brighton Fireworks....

Guy Fawkes Day 2013 we decided to trip it out to New Brighton to see the fireworks display that the Christchurch City Council put on each year. It was themed this year '50 years of Bond Theme Songs'. It was pulled of rather well - the firework bangs went off in time to the music. It wasn't too bad getting out there & didn't take too long to find a park. We got there in plenty of time & there were people all over the place.

It was a lovely night. After it finished though, came the trying part. We had decided to get to the car & just sit and wait for the traffic to die down before attempting to leave for home. We sat in our parked car for an hour before attempting the drive home. Once we got out of the side street it was fairly straightforward in getting home, thankfully.

The sad part of the evening though is driving through the eastern suburbs & seeing how they now are more than two & a half years after the February Quake. There are many many many homes gone, land just left to grow grass, yet many many many homes still standing, waiting on EQC & insurance. I firmly believe that Christchurch has been ripped off by EQC & insurance companies who aren't honouring the contracts that people have been paying for. I do not think the government has done anything to help this mess, only worsen it. And people who have claimed for damage of things that was not damaged by either or any earthquakes are pretty much just as bad. I really feel for those who are STILL fighting for their rights under the agreements after more than 3 years since the September 2010 quake. It is NOT on!!!

2. Fun....

Last Saturday my package from arrived & I felt like I was 13 again!! Can you imagine why?? I'll tell you. In this package (which the estimated delivery date was up until 5 December) was the new Backstreet Boys Album "In a World Like This" - it is fantastic & takes me back nearly 20 years. Plus it also contained Nick Carter's Autobiography - "Facing the Music & Living to Talk About It". And Yes I have started to read it (meaning I'm now in the process of reading 4 books at once). We were headed out when we saw the packaged in the mail box. My husband wouldn't stop the car so when it was slow I put on the handbrake and rushed over to get it, ripped it open & immediately put the CD on - I was transported back to my teens, it was great, it is great, will continue to be great. With the husband working tomorrow morning I will just have to do the house work with it on UP LOUD!!!!

I look forward to finishing off the book & listening to this fantastic album over & over & over again - until I know all lyrics by heart no doubt.

Love It!!!

3. A Walk Through Town...

It is a long weekend for those of us in Canterbury, NZ - known here as Show Day/Anniversary Day. Thinking/believing the weather was going to get to 21 degrees, we decided to walk into town for lunch & wonder round to see what was happening. However the wind was a nor-easter which called things down immensely. But we still headed through the park to town. Had delicious kebabs from Demetri's for lunch sitting by the Avon, with construction for 'The Terrace - the new Strip' behind us. It looks interesting and promising.

Oxford Terrace - formerly 'The Strip'

Broken Windows in a Building where only birds accommodate

Cnr Oxford Terrace & Worcester Street - Cathedral in back

New Regent Street upper storey of the buildings

And then we finished the afternoon off with fresh, warm Mrs Higgin's cookies for afternoon tea, before heading back through the other side of the park for home.

Friday, 8 November 2013

"Want to Know More - read on about me..."

Having read a few blogs every now & then people tend to share some things about themselves that others may or may not know about themselves, so I thought maybe I might give this a shot too....

***I love, love, love the Gilmore Girls series - I have the box-set & have watched more times than I can count on my hands***

***My favourite alcoholic beverage is "Jaegemeister & Red Bull" - however due to cutting back on the Red Bull side of the drink I now also enjoy a lovely Cranberry, Lime & Vodka as my runner up & when we're out***

***I absolutely LOVE the sound of rain on the roof - it's magical***

***I am somewhat OCD - detail is everything - prime example is my husband's 30th Birthday month & you should have seen all the planning that went into our wedding day***

***I am training in  & receiving Theophostic Prayer Ministry - it is a FANTASTIC prayer ministry - it is dealing with lie-based pain (that we all have) through God & Christ - the results are AMAZING - 110% reccommend it***

***I would love to live & work in Manhattan, New York for at least a year (in a fancy apartment) - to experience all the seasons***

***I want to build, out west of Christchurch, that would have two floors (rectangular shape/layout) with a piece on top - the Master bedroom (with my office off the side) designed in an A-frame style & a few of the Southern Alps***

***I only want two children - twins - that's it = done***

***James Bond is the only reading & viewing material that my husband & I can agree on 100% of the time (any other possible movies take a lot of umming & ahhing)***

***My dream OE is to travel the world following the Formula 1 circuit - it goes almost everywhere***

There we have it....10 things about me.....

Saturday, 2 November 2013

"Akaroa...have to buy here!!"

A 3 day weekend = a quick trip over to Akaroa for lunch!

Now I absolutely love, love, love this place, it is so peaceful, so tranquil & just absolutely beautiful & amazing. I love how you can go over there on a busy day & it doesn't feel busy, you can relax, sit back & enjoy everything around you.

We wondered in & out of some shops for a wee bit then headed to the Monteiths Bar "Bully Hayes" for lunch - we had Cod Burgers with fries - they were delicious. Not too badly priced either. We really enjoy going to Monteiths Bars/Restaurants - we frequent the one here in Christchurch in Avonhead. Have been to the one in Hanmer Spring a couple of times (they do a really ice garlic bread on ciabatta bread = yummy!!!)

It is so nice to be sitting by the beach & enjoying the magnificent God-created view of the Akaroa harbour.

After wondering in & out of a couple more shops - sorting scoping out for Christmas presents but not really trying - though we did find a mouse mat with a matching coaster with lovely cars on it for Simon.

Then we grabbed an ice cream & sat on the beach near this little wharf.

Simon took this cool photo from under the above picture wharf - it looks so peaceful - one could just sit under there & enjoy their current read or lie back & listen to music. 

Simon skipping stones

After our ice-cream we decided to tiki-tour round the harbour to the other side - to Wainui. You get an amazing view of the open mouth to the Pacific Ocean. Spectacular!!!

View of Akaroa from Wainui

This cute little church is situated in Gebbes Pass - a fun route from the Akaroa road to the other side, Lyttleton Harbour. We've passed it on a number of occasions but finally stopped to take a photo. I think if we hadn't of gotten married in Woodbury this may well have been the option to have used. It's so quaint nestled away in the side of the hill - nicely remote.

Simon took this photo as we headed out of the Lyttleton tunnel (which runs through the Port Hills)

It was a great day and I cannot wait to get back over there. It is such a great wee place & I do believe we will likely buy a holiday home there before we purchase land/house here in Christchurch. If we ever win lotto that would be our first purchase.