Sunday, 18 March 2012

Good Bye Cathedral

Simon and I went into town today to say good bye to Christ Church Cathedral. A sad sight to see our beloved City Icon in such disarray. Walking along Colombo street to the square there was the sound of the drilling by some machine on the Hotel Chancellor was all you could hear, outside the sound of the people talking as they walked through. On the way back the drilling stopped for a couple of seconds leaving a eerie silence throughout the city. A silence that seems unreal for when there used to be the sounds of traffic and people bustling by, music coming from the stores. Sad.....

Christ Church Cathedral, as it stands today 18.03.2012
What remains of the Spire that came down 22.02.2011

Looking down Worcester Street - The Regent was to the left but is gone now, loved going to  that theatre.

The Tram Stop, still standing, waiting for the Tram to come in.

The Chess Set is still there, waiting to be played again!

Top of the Cathedral Spire

Pigeon sitting on the Lighting

Top of the Entrance

Lighting Fixture at corner of High & Hereford Streets

Up High Street from Colombo Corner
I believe the city can stand again and shine. It'll take a while but it can happen if the city is united not divided.

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