Wednesday, 24 April 2013

"Christchurch Cathedral.........."

the Anglican Cathedral in stitch

one of the major building/landmark disasters of February 22 2011 was the damage to our beloved Christchurch icon the Cathedral. the ensuing arguments since then over whether it should be kept, restored, demo'd and re-built etc etc etc. it was/is a beautiful building and whatever its future holds I am sure that God's hand will be in what transforms from what now is merely rubble for the pigeons to enjoy.

however i happened upon this cross stitch about a year ago and knew i absolutely had to do it, framed and hung on the wall to forever remember the cathedral that was, for me and many others the one of our childhood.
all 3 charts joined together and middle found

started feb 4 2013 - half the tower done

almost there with the tower

the rose window finished, i loved how stark it was once finished before filling in round it

before backstitch done

completed 11 april 2013

i enjoyed doing this piece, as i do with all my stitching, piecing it together stitch by stitch, watching it unfold into what i had seen in the city centre for many years.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

"20 years of songs you wish they'd sing to just you..."

This week, 22 April, was the 20th Anniversary of the Backstreet Boys, being together. They now have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A rather amazing achievement for any one in the biz.

For many a year I have bought their albums, at full price, when they're first released. And at one point I could recite what songs were on which album in the correct order.

My favourite song would be: "What makes you different (makes you beautiful)" from their Black & blue album.

I FINALLY got to see them in concert, after waiting 17 years, at Vector Arena, Auckland. This was when it was just the four of them. So I am hopping that now that Kevin is back with the group that they'll come back.


Hollywood Walk of Fame 22.04.2013

Backstreet Boys Star Hollywood Walk of Fame

Looking forward to hearing the new album and the future music to come...
Well done boys!!!

Saturday, 6 April 2013

"The week that was...."

now we're into april by a week, time is flying by, yet again.
everyone says that but as children we can't wait for christmas or our birthdays or for school holidays to come round (i remember one set of school holidays, april ones, many years ago, before part time work, where i read a book a day - i sometimes wish i could do that again)

anyhow, enough ramblings, on with this weeks info/update.

couple of weeks ago my step-mother flew home to india to see her family for two weeks, thus leaving dad on his own. i'm pretty sure he managed to survive but thinking ahead he decided to spend easter in auckland with regan. dad rang to see where to leave George Harrison ie any dog kennels we knew of worth leaving your precious pet with, but i said 'nooo don't worry about that george can stay with us'. well i won't be saying that again, at least while we are at the moment.

as you can see he is rather cute and yes he is fun to play with.
the weekend was great, beautiful weather, just the right temperature.
dropped dad at the airport at lunch time, saturday and then spent a quiet afternoon together, taking george for a walk in the balmy evening

i just love the picturesque bay of akaroa with all the various boats floating in the harbour, - it is so peaceful

sunday, was another lovely day. so george decided that we should nip over to akaroa for lunch in dad's car. he pretty much threatened us if we didn't - well this is the story we were planning on telling dad when he noticed the extra mileage on the spedometer.

we can manage to get a photo of ourselves - even with the height difference
we had a lovely lunch at l'hotel, then wandered around by the bay with george and then having a mr whippy. i had choc dipped with flake. simon had flake with sherbet. delicious.

this is so cool - the sun's rays look like God's light shinning down over his  creation
driving back we turned to head back   via gebbie's pass, then nipping up over the port hill's. a great winding piece of road that brings you round to the 'sign of the kiwi '

the first sign of trouble though with george staying was sunday evening. george was spending his time alone in the kitchen which he was perfectly fine with during the night, nothing to excite him then. but when we arrived home after church this little white mischievous had his paws up on the windowsill of the lounge window. funny considering he was in the kitchen when we left. we checked everything up for grabs and all appeared to be in order so we figured he'd just gotten out of the kitchen. 

it was tuesday when things started to go a bit haphazardly. obviously we were both at work, deciding to leave a weight on the lounge side of the sliding door between kitchen and lounge, thinking this would deter him. no it didn't. instead i came home to his little white face at the lounge window. i hoped/prayed that he'd only just gotten the door open. but alas no.

what i came home to, as you can see below, was my favourite summer heels destroyed beyond repair. the little bugger had been snacking on them for what i can guess was most of the afternoon. the insole ripped and torn off, lifted on the other. teeth marks at the toe end and straps broken.

needless to say i was far from impressed. i got these heels 4 years ago and look forward to wearing them every summer, they went with jeans and pants (and probably skirts if i wore them)
george received a swift smack on the nose and spent the rest of the evening in the figurative 'dog box'.

so the next day he was shut in the bathroom. while he is very cute and fun to play with, i don't think i'm ready for full time puppy sitting.
as you can see our table will soon be well within his reach
though i did enjoy playing with him, ie using his towel and dragging him round the kitchen, standing him on his hindlegs, having him waving from the passenger seat at the other cars and snuggling on the bed in the morning.

himani (step-mom) and her son bobby (step-brother - must remember that we have one of those now that he is in the country) arrived home today and with her many goodies from india. she bought for us a lovely purply comforter for the spare bed, with sheet & pillows in the same pattern but a reddish colour. i'm now tempted to use them on our bed. a couple of dress shirts for simon and a belt. she is just so lovely, before she left, she was what would you like, anything you need. the only thing i asked for was a 'white tiger cub stuffed toy' and she found me one. she is so cute. i may be nearly 27 but i do love my soft toys. i'll have a room one day with a sun bed covered with him.

yet to be named - my new addition
so a slightly eventful week, one that george managed to survive, barely; where i am down a pair of heels, which means i'll just need to look for a new pair when the summer lines are out. just as well as i have gorgeous new pair on layby (of which i will share once they come to their new home). as for the quick trip to akaroa, it was barely noticed. dad asked thursday how far we'd actually gone in his car. he hadn't actually fully noticed what the mileage was before he left for auckland. i said only to akaroa and back. he wasn't bothered. though surprised i hadn't asked but instead done a regan and just driven his car anyway.

daylight savings tonight, we turn the clocks back an hour as we head into the winter of 2013, hope we have snow again this year.

till next time....

Monday, 1 April 2013

"And on the third day he rose..."

matthew 28:6 "he is not here, he has risen, just as he said."

"...he has risen! he is not here..." mark 16:6

luke 24:6 "he is not here; he is risen"

Easter: a long weekend, a family getaway, easter bunny, chocolate eggs & hot cross buns - to many this is what this upcoming weekend is about, a chance to get things done in the garden before winter takes its hold, a chance to get away with the family before the weather is cold.

For me though, it is about Jesus, our Saviour who died on the cross at Calvary to save us all. He took all the sins of world upon his death, so that through Him we have the choice to have eternal life. This is just so amazing, it does seem almost unfathomable but it is so real. I chose Christ as my Lord and Saviour over 20 years ago, and through my teens and uni I continued to follow and believe in Him, though at times thin on my part I always knew He was there, keeping me safe and on the right path in life.

It is just so awesome God's love for us all, every single person in this world, that over 2000 years ago He sent his son as a baby to grow and live in this world, to then die on the cross, to bear all our sins so that we have a choice to follow him.

My husband and I still buy each other easter eggs and the 'easter bunny' delivers them to us on Sunday morning. But we recognise the real impact that Easter brings.

Good Friday can change your life too!! Simply start with believing

Christ died for us, for the sins of the world and then he rose from death, Jesus' tomb is empty!!!

To know real love, real peace is to accept Jesus into your life. He will never forsake, he will rescue you from a spiritual death and from eternal death. I know that my life would never be the same without Christ in my life and understanding what God did for us, what His son did for us. It can be yours too, just ask and follow, believe.

"As for me and my house we will serve the Lord..."