Tuesday, 23 April 2013

"20 years of songs you wish they'd sing to just you..."

This week, 22 April, was the 20th Anniversary of the Backstreet Boys, being together. They now have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A rather amazing achievement for any one in the biz.

For many a year I have bought their albums, at full price, when they're first released. And at one point I could recite what songs were on which album in the correct order.

My favourite song would be: "What makes you different (makes you beautiful)" from their Black & blue album.

I FINALLY got to see them in concert, after waiting 17 years, at Vector Arena, Auckland. This was when it was just the four of them. So I am hopping that now that Kevin is back with the group that they'll come back.


Hollywood Walk of Fame 22.04.2013

Backstreet Boys Star Hollywood Walk of Fame

Looking forward to hearing the new album and the future music to come...
Well done boys!!!

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