So to update....
The week following our friends' wedding was another week of blur. Bryan & Rachel left us to stay with friends' out in the country and we had a couple of nights to ourselves then Simon's cousin and her boyfriend arrived to stay for a week. They're over from England, having travelled to Thailand first, then kangaroo hopping round Australia to arrive in Auckland and meander on down New Zealand.
They arrived Tuesday and we all went out to met up with Bryan & Rachel, Sarah & Chris at Hoyts to watch Ironman 3. It was the first of the 3 that myself and Becka had seen. It wasn't too bad either. In fact the following Saturday we went and bought the first movie to see where it all started. The movie was pretty good. Afterwards we took the pair up to Victoria Park to survey Christchurch in its glory lit up in the dark night. She still is a pretty sight.
Wednesday night involved Bible group to hear Vision College teacher Mike Robb share his testimony. Always good to hear how someone from the depths realises God is ever present and that he loves them in spite of all their faults. At 20 he started to wonder what was the point of life if he'd done all the 'fun things' only to continue to repeat them, what was the point of going round and round and round in life? So he looked into religion, read up on all material he had lying around and while reading through the gospels (of the New Testament) he found a God who didn't expect things to be done in return for His love. He only wanted you to repent your sins and live your life according to His word. So he said to God "if you are real show me!" He said this on Wednesday night in September 1977. By the Friday, while out with friends at the pub he was sitting there and got this picture of his friends all wearing masks, putting them on to face society, when deep down they were all looking for something real. So he went home and realised too, that he hadn't had a craving for any drugs since Wednesday night, nor any withdrawl symptoms. God had shown him He was there and He was very real.
Thursday night Becka cooked us tea and a lovely carrot cake. While I packed for our trip away the next night. Friday was work followed by getting the car and heading north to the Hurunui River Mouth, where we were meeting friends who'd travelled to it the night before. We stayed in this really lovely lodge, which was like 2 buildings joined by the garage. The others were staying in the back rooms while Simon and I had the master in the front part.
We got up there in time for dinner, burgers, homemade and cooked on the BBQ, with assorted extras and condiments. It was delicious. We sat round and chatted with the beautiful wood burning fire going. I really miss having one in the house. It's so cozy to curl up, watch a movie or read a book with the fire going.
Playing 'Settlers of Catan' |
Lovely wood burning fire |
So that's exactly what I did, curled up in a chair and read my book while Simon watched a movie and the others played 'Settlers of Catan' (which I knew I was too tired to try and learn to play). It was so nice to just sit and read, something I don't often get to do. A late night followed by a lovely bed to sleep in.
Keeping in mind for future reference - nice & comfortable |
Saturday morning - slept in but not quite as long as would've been nice. We quickly tidied up, the guys got in another quick game of Settlers. Then it was goodbyes. The others were heading off to Hanmer Springs to soak in the hot pools for a few hours. Simon and I were headed to the pub for lunch.
View from the back |
View from the front |
Hurunui River mouth |
While they headed for the pools, we tootled down to the road to the River mouth to capture the view. Rather spectacular. Then head on a back road round to the main road. Nipped across the Scargill Valley Road and popped into the historic Hurunui Pub for lunch. It was a beaut day, sitting in the sun. The cafe/winery owner next door said we could have a look in one of the cottages up on the hill behind the grape vines It was just picturesque. Definitely a must to go and stay in one day in the not too distant future.
The weekend ended with dinner at home with Becka & Etie, watched Ironman 1 and spent Sunday lazing about, followed by a late night chatting with B & E as they were heading south the next day.
Another crazy week behind us. A few weeks of quiet to come...
Till next time....
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