Saturday, 19 October 2013

"It's the Weekend... they're coming around quick..."


Today is a lovely sunny, spring day here in Christchurch. The expected temperatures are 20 & 21 degrees respectively, for this weekend.

So far I've done the washing. It is always a get up & get it done first on a Saturday. It's one of those OCD routine things of mine that I just HAVE to do before I can get on with anything else.

The washing our drying
As usual I have written a list of things to be done this weekend, I do this every weekend but more often than not, only the straight forward or must be done things actually do get done. But of course I tell myself I WILL get it all done, so this weekend is no exception.

Taj Mahal Cross-stitch
What I've done so far
I will endeavour to stitch some more of the Taj this weekend. I'm really liking the shades of oranges/peaches for the flowers along the bottom of the reflection. And the couple of shades of green just offset it all nicely.
I thoroughly enjoy doing cross-stitch - I take it to work to do while on my breaks.

Last night, while popping into the Warehouse to look for a nerf throwing thing (my husband has this idea we'll go throw it around the park this summer - this could happen....) we happened to walk past the baking area (whoops) and cam across this great little accessory that I had to have. 

It is a muffin corer - an awesome find, once you've cooked the muffins you use this to scoop out the centre a bit to then add a filling of your choice. I was quite stoked with this find, as I've quite liked the idea of adding fillings to my muffins but when I have tried the filling has just sunk to the bottom of the cupcake/muffin pan, therefore not having the desired effect. This'll be great because a teaspoon does't do the trick either. I'm not sure though when I will get around to using this. 

Among other things listed I have my Theophostic chapter to read & questions to answer. I've been studying Theophostic Prayer Ministry this year, along with receiving it and it is quite simply AMAZING. It is Christ bringing peace & truth to lie-based thinking that we all have. It is effective, I love the feeling of peace that washes over when Christ's truth has come to the ultimate lies I've convinced myself of in my younger years, that have just been built on through my interpretation of events. (we all do this - every single one of us). It is fantastic!!

Well that gives some idea of my current thinking for this weekend. I am hoping to blog a bit more regularly than I have been (considering I have been nagging a friend to update her blog on building their home that they're now in - so I must practice what I preach). I want to make it a bit more real is well, not just for when we go away or do something 'fun'. I do love reading blogs of what people actually get up to. 

Enjoy your weekend everybody. And I hope you too complete your lists of things to get done.

Take care...

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